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Sunday, August 4, 2013

Funny Phrases to say...3

1.i was sitting there when i got attacked by the purple hedgehogs, neon dragons, and glow-in-the-dark leprechauns that kid-napped the unicorn and strawberry king

2.I have decided to stop pretending and just be that ninja with the magical penguins and dinosaurs and unicorns that everyone KNOWS I am.

3.Have you ever tried walking into Walmart and yelling red robin! and seeing how many people say YUM red robin, red robin, come on just say yum

4.i think there's something wrong with my guardian angel.
her wings are black and she's sitting with the devil and laughing hysterically at everything and everyone

5.I got a special care pkg. in the mail. It had duct tape, a meat tenderizer,
a hole punch and a note saying " don't get caught"! (sigh) I love my friends!

6.I find myself meeting people who give me the honor of thinking up new words... Dipshidiot! (dip-shid-iot)

7.backwards this read you making am i why exactly is that, never? you to nice been ever I have when since (now read it backwards)

8.What happens in an exam : Tik tok , Mind block , Pen stop , Eye pop , Full shock , Jaw drop , Time up , No Luck

9.Oh I dare you to walk up to any officer and say:
I didnt do it I didnt kill her, the assassination wasnt part of the plan.' Then run fast! I bet they'll chase u 

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