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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

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Photoshop Lesson Part(1) ဒီ Link ေလးမွာ Download ယူလိုက္ပါေနာ္။
Photoshop Lesson Part(2) ဒီ Link ေလးမွာ Download ယူလိုက္ပါေနာ္။

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Monday, July 29, 2013

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ေရႊေတာင္၊ ေငြေတာင္၊ ပတၱျမားေတာင္အလွ သဘာ၀အတိုင္း ရွိေနဖို႔

ကားလမ္းမက ေငြေတာင္ဆည္ကန္ႀကီးရဲ႕ ထက္၀က္ခန္႔ကို ပတ္သြားတဲ့အတြက္ အေ၀းက အလည္အပတ္လာသူေတြနဲ႔ ဆည္ကန္

ေငြေတာင္ဆည္ႏွင့္ ေရႊေတာင္ ေငြေတာင္ ပတၱျမားေတာင္ အလွ (ဓါတ္ပံု-ေကတီ) copy right...Kts

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Sunday, July 28, 2013

online photos editing

I have never seen people like taking photos a lot even though who are rich. There is one of my friend, i don't think he may love picture such much before. Now, he bring thousands of him  to me to editing it. As you realized, i don't have much time for him and then i tell him three free and fast and wonderful online editing. He love it very much. There are Pixiz, Pizap and Pho.to free online photo editing. I know many people like these three. you too when you got out these information, you will enjoy it. check out each link below for more...

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You may need some if you have a printer.
click on the link

Learn English Free online

Hopefully, I tried to perform an amazing photograph with CSS4 this morning, I had got many difficulties for editing. i was felt free because I thought of myself that i could search how to amaze photos on the internet. Eventually, during searching, I found out an amazing LEO network for the love of english learner. There we may see two differences level with a lot of unite and lesson which a good relevancy. if you are keen on learning english online, You better to check more... the link below.
hope you will love it.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

I love you

I love you
I love you like I love a day
when everything goes right
I love you like I love to lay
and watch the stars at night
I love you like I love the rain
its lustful calm embrace
I love you like I love to laugh
until it hurts my face
I love you like I love to drive
with no real destination
I love you like I love the thrill
of pure infatuation
But most of all I love you like
I love a cherished friend
Who holds me tight, dries my tears
and loves me to the end

To My Love

To My Love
April 13th is the day
you asked me to be yours,
I had no idea you would
have the cure,

The cure to mend my broken
I don't even know where to

The past ..........

Whenever I'm around you,
I feel like life's complete.
I don't know what to say,
But you make my heart beat.

I'm scared to say hello,
But it hurts to say good-bye.
I've been ..........

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Waiting here for you

When I see You on OOVOO

Neh Ngoe Leh Ho..

English to English Dictionary

This is one another popular English dictionary in the world called Oxford dictionary. It is shown wide definition about the word you type. Just click the link below for more information how wonderful it is?

English to English Dictionary

There is a completely interesting dictionary called Cambridge Dictionaries online. There we can see in two main languages  American and British English also translate into Spanish and Turkish. I would like you to see more information the link below if you are searching E-E dictionary.
hope you will enjoy

Dictionary B-E-B

Once more B-E-B = Burmese -English - Burmese dictionary is a kind of fancy to use it. This one also online dictionary. click it for experience about how does it work well.
(http://www.burmese-dictionary.org/) (http://www.myanmar-dictionary.org/)

Learn English speaking

I realized that there are thousand of people want to improve their spoken English in many ways and a lot of reason that could not learn to develop their skills. Therefore, this post is intended to share them to get one helpful chance in anyway. By the way, you are now seeing this section, you might be interested in this free learn english speaking. Not sure about whether good or not. click on the link below and see more information.

English test and exercise

One day in July 2013, a man studying at Post ten academic school whom seem likely be extremely hard working at study. I always met with him at wonderful morning every days when he came across the high way to his class  in front of my place. That morning, strangely he come to me for question about English exercise to looking for on the internet. I don't know about him but he is an energetic, talkative and he can make a lot friends. He asked permission for using internet while he took time of rest. I also pleasure gave him to use internet. I sat behind him and he got trouble of searching then turn to me. I took few minutes and found out this English test and exercise for him. Till now, he is improved a lot by learning this free english test online. If you wish to develop your english skill but can't figure out, my advise you should check out this (http://englishteststore.net/) for more relevant.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

test your elglist level

Sometimes i feel wanna learn the test to improve exam skill but i can not find at any library for that and it is not  easy to search even on the internet. So that if anyone wanna know the level of englsih skill, I have found out one best english level test for the first certificate exam. for more information click on the link showing below

want to ask you a question

love song

Love songs

Kgirl photos


Learn English

This is a Myanmar Network of British council for free online lessons for learning English.
Check out the link below for more information


This post is about the online dictionary of Burmese to English / English to Burmese  that intention for people who face difficulty of searching it on the online. find out the link below for experiment. 

Sweet Love

When my hand is wrinkled so,
it's you that I will still want you know.
As my hair turns silver and gray
remember me as I was yesterday.
My long red hair blowing in the breeze,
we loved ..........

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